Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best hunter's pets:

I made a list of what I consider the bests pets for hunters. The hunters cant get more than the 5 pets e carrie now. in the stable master is now possible to get 20 pets, so, the hunt for the bests begin...







Garwal:  from questline in Northrends "The Cleansing". Able for Aliance and Horde (with the Taunka)

Echeyakee or Sian-Rotam: (Echeyakee come from a questline from horde, but tamable by anyone...just need an horde player to summon)



Frostsaber Pride Watcher:

The Kurken:




Some of these beasts are considerated exoctic, so, those beasts can only be tamed if you have the talents in beast mastery, otherwise it will say that action is impossible!
Also, some of those beasts are tamable from patch 4.2.0.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It's possible for hunters to get an worgen pet. his name is Garwal and its a NPC that we have to kill from a questline in Northrends. The first quest is Clean yourself from your inner turmoil and you have to get a good timming to catch it in way to transform into a worgen. The moment to get him is when he says "Enought of this charade!" and you have to stun him and start to tame. This questline is possible for the horde faction too with the Taunka.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mekgineer's Chopper Offer

I'll cover the cost of a few mekgneer's choppers for guild members only. I cant offer the mount for all the members, but the first's letters in my mail box will get the mount soon. there will be 1 mount per player. the engeneer crafter is Thorlard.

The moto mount offer is over. Here are the name of the characters who will get one:

P.S: The moto will be sent by mail box.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Tol Barad Mounts

Hi, here is the information about a cool mount:
Spectral Steed is a horse mount for Aliance faction, obtainable from lvl70 players. This is given by the Quartermaster Brazier in Tol Barad, and to get it, you have to be exalted with Baradin's Wardens and get Tol Barad Commendations enought to buy it.
There is also a spectral wolf for the horde faction.

Also you can get the Drake of the West Wind mount from here...

Saturday, December 3, 2011


This is a daily quest line I make and I get 5000G per day (WARNNING: only available from lvl80 to 85 and there are other quests that might be available for you, but it is not sure)

Argent Tournment Grounds, Icecrown
 -Breackfast of Champions
-A valiant's field Training [5x]
-A leg up
-Rescue at Sea
-Stop the Agressors
-Training in the field
-Threat from above [2x]
-Taking Battle to the enemy [2x]
-Deathspeaker Kharos

Death's Rise, Icecrown
-Intelligence Gathering
-No fly zone

Friday, December 2, 2011


For the druids who are interested, it is possible to get an awsome fire cat form look. The object that gives you this look is Fandral's Flamescythe, a staff dropped by Majordomo Staghelm in Firelands, located in Hyjal.
When  you use this staff, your cat form take a fire lion form with no time limit.
Also, this staff is good for feral druids.