Sunday, November 13, 2011


All members must present 1 or 2 professions (just for the case to one wont be choose) to be the guild professionals.
The guild professionals will be able to take money from the guild vault to buy material for the requested item (but if he withdraw a lot of money, he have to justify to me why, or will be banned). A professional must lvl up his skill to be able to create all kind of equipment related. Your name will be in the guild info and in the guild website, so other players may know who they have to request an item. If you dont have enough money to craft the item, ask Lycos (only in last case). You must be able to give the required item from a guild member in 24 hours (or take more time if that member dont mind). Professionals will be able to get 200g per month. If you dont, you will have to justify why or you will be a professional no more. IF ANY1 ABUSE FROM THE GUILD VAULT, WILL BE BANNED FROM THE GUILD!


Katina - Inscription
Cicc - Enchantment; Jewelcraftin
Alexcucy - Leatherworking; Skinning

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