Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Guild Master issues

I hereby announce that indefinitely, I can not attend or participate in any activity in the realms of the cataclysm. For unknown reasons, I can not run the login for a mistake about which I have been trying to solve. Thanks to continue under the rules of the guild and please: do not let my absence causes the "death" of our guild.
Thank you all: Lycos

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Every characters here named are banished from the guild.


Officer Petition

Im looking for members available to help manage the guild. To join the officers you have to ba available at least 2 or 3 minutes per day to check the guild stuff. The officers will have to spam the messages I'll say to in the guild chat. Any problem or need with the guild send me a mail massage. Keep your eyes on the rules and make sure that everybody stand with them. You'll have to get time to atend the members necessitys, your name will be post as a reference to me. In case of the violation of 1 of the rules or any other problem, send me chart with the player name and the reason to open an audience to know if he should stay or not. The officers will be able to share theire opinion about the guild rules and management, working as general member's speakers to me.

For issues of the server, for some reason I can't rise your ranks to be Officer Wolves, but in any case you will be one. (The rank issue was already sent to the issue tracker forum of eternal wow)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mekgineer's Chopper Sell

Thorlard from guild is selling Mekgineer's Choppers by 14000 gold. This is the lower price from the requested materials to make one, so, it will be hard to find a lower price. If you want one and he is not online, you can also call to Drakos, or to Lycos, Kruschev, Vanhelssing or Azraeeil.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Transform into a drake

The vial of the sands is an enchantment that works as a mount. when you learn this, you change into a drake that can fly and you can carrie an ally on your back. This mount is obtainable by the recipe, dropped by Canopic Jars. If you can get it this way, take advantage on the vote points and get one this month, becouse it is the item of the month.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best hunter's pets:

I made a list of what I consider the bests pets for hunters. The hunters cant get more than the 5 pets e carrie now. in the stable master is now possible to get 20 pets, so, the hunt for the bests begin...







Garwal:  from questline in Northrends "The Cleansing". Able for Aliance and Horde (with the Taunka)

Echeyakee or Sian-Rotam: (Echeyakee come from a questline from horde, but tamable by anyone...just need an horde player to summon)



Frostsaber Pride Watcher:

The Kurken:




Some of these beasts are considerated exoctic, so, those beasts can only be tamed if you have the talents in beast mastery, otherwise it will say that action is impossible!
Also, some of those beasts are tamable from patch 4.2.0.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It's possible for hunters to get an worgen pet. his name is Garwal and its a NPC that we have to kill from a questline in Northrends. The first quest is Clean yourself from your inner turmoil and you have to get a good timming to catch it in way to transform into a worgen. The moment to get him is when he says "Enought of this charade!" and you have to stun him and start to tame. This questline is possible for the horde faction too with the Taunka.