Sunday, January 22, 2012

Officer Petition

Im looking for members available to help manage the guild. To join the officers you have to ba available at least 2 or 3 minutes per day to check the guild stuff. The officers will have to spam the messages I'll say to in the guild chat. Any problem or need with the guild send me a mail massage. Keep your eyes on the rules and make sure that everybody stand with them. You'll have to get time to atend the members necessitys, your name will be post as a reference to me. In case of the violation of 1 of the rules or any other problem, send me chart with the player name and the reason to open an audience to know if he should stay or not. The officers will be able to share theire opinion about the guild rules and management, working as general member's speakers to me.

For issues of the server, for some reason I can't rise your ranks to be Officer Wolves, but in any case you will be one. (The rank issue was already sent to the issue tracker forum of eternal wow)

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